Monday, June 11, 2007


It seems I am a better blogger when I am not at home.

Things are swell in Saskatoon. I am having a lot of fun and according to my mom I go out every night. It is true. I have been going out a lot. I think it's fabulous.

My interviews are going well. I have 2 or 3 left and then I am done. I have interviewed 10 people so far. I am learning a lot about interviewing and learning tricks to not forget my next question. Sometimes I get too wrapped up in what they are telling me that I forget where I want to go. I have been surprised at how I remember my questions pretty well.

It is really hard in a half hour or an hour to stay focused on one path. Every person is so full of information that sometimes I just want to hear all of it rather than stick to the key points.

Transcribing kinda sucks but it does give me the opportunity to really think and examine what each person has contributed.

I have a lot of transcribing to do this week and I want to get a good structure together to show my prof when I get back.

I am sad to go back to Cardiff and I am really hoping I can find a good job near home when I come back. Life is easy here and I like being close to my family and friends.

I was shortlisted for an internship with the UN in Namibia and found out I didn't get the job last week. It is the second year in a row I am shortlisted. Although, last year I actually got to the interview stage. I wasn't too let down though. Africa will happen someday and now, I suppose, is just not the time. I sort of feel like I want to get really good at my craft and go abroad and teach later in life. Right now I would be going to learn. Although, every experience should be give and take.

Anyway, happy times.

It's been great to see you back Nicole. I hope we can hangout again before you go.
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