Monday, October 30, 2006

chris' dance party



Sunday, October 29, 2006


Back from the tub

Friday, October 27, 2006


IIIII confessss

I changed blog sites, Jimmy, because it makes it easier for people to post comments. On myspace you need a myspace account to leave a comment and I think interactivity is one of the elements that makes a blog interesting for me. Blogger is also geared only towards blogging, which is pretty much my only interest on myspace. Anyway, that's all there is to it. Do people think it was a good idea or has the inner conservative (in all of us) made this a little freaky?

I have a cold but it has only caused a problem on one side of me. I feel a little off balance. One nostril is totally plugged and the other one is as clear as Naomi Campbell's face...but not as clear as her police record...

Ok...I just woke up and it's coffee time. Wish you were here for coffee talk, Jimmy, and we could play show me your money like back in the day when I had some.

Thursday, October 26, 2006


I let Canada down

Just when I made the decision to switch to blogspot there is some kind of internal server error on it an it won't let me get in. It's a sign.

As to why I let Canada down.....well.. Last night's quiz night was a huge success and I had a lot of fun except for one embarassing..actually come to think of it... 2 embarassing little slip ups. I said that Ontario, not Quebec was Canada..s largest producer of maple syrup (because that..s where we went to take the tour when I was a child) and I said that Canada, not Finland, won the silver medal in men..s hockey at the last Olympics. Ouch! Oh well, what doesn..t kill you makes you more humble. It was a lot of fun though and our team leader was very funny and a PR prof. He tried to convince us that PR wasn..t evil but I don..t buy it for an instant. Journalists go to journalism school to learn how to make sure PR people don..t get away with their lies.

Debate was good tonight. I was training to be a judge. It is much easier to judge then to actually debate. The topic tonight was religious symbols and clothing in the workplace. It was actually quite a dull debate, which is too bad because a lot could have been brought up.

Tomorrow is the big day. Chris is coming! I got us a pretty cheap hostel so I hope we won..t have to line the door with a barricade. As Luke says, at least we are in it together. I think I will listen to loud techno music on my headphones when I sleep because I know Chris likes that. Des also invited us out for a meal Sunday night. It..s good that Chris gets to meet him (cause everyone can benefit from meeting Des) and that Luke will get to see him before he goes home.

Thanks Dave and yes I am having a good time. I am looking forward to going home though. I need a sigh of relief and a pint with good friends.

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