Tuesday, May 08, 2007

I got up and was trying to rush Luke off to work for no reason at all. I thought he was running late and forgot to wake me up before he went, but he informed me there was still five minutes till he had to go meet his ride on the corner. I also got mad because he didn't wash his cereal bowl.It was really an over reaction to a little thing. Like, who really gives a shit? I am the biggest nag ever sometimes. He is very, very patient with me. It's really quite remarkable.

Our classes are pretty much over but everyone is still at school trying to get their work done. I am really stressed about getting these articles done and I have absolutely no clue if I am ready to start interviewing people for my documentary. Oh well, what harm is there is asking a question or two that has no relation?

I also have no clue what I need to do to get ready to go home.

I was walking out the door to go to aerobics tonight and there was a guy gasping for air in front of my house and a woman that was with him yelled at me to call 999. I called and they asked me a series of questions about him, which I could not answer. He got better while I was on the phone with them and the lady told me to cancel it but we couldn't. I guess he has had a chest infection for a while and had a few attacks like this today. He sounded horrible. My flatmate, Binny, was looking after him so I excused myself and went to aerobics. There didn't seem to be much more I could do.

Tonight I dropped my cell phone in the toilet. Luckily before I weed. It still seems to be working.

Haven't you dropped your cell in the toilet before? I seem to remember this happening to you before as well.

David B
Hmmm. I have a vague recollection of that as well...
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