Friday, April 20, 2007


I was watching Ellen the other day and her trainer (who has the most irritating smile I have ever seen) said stress causes you to gain weight in your tummy area and no matter what you do your body will refuse to lose it.
I thought this was interesting since my belly and my hips are where I store it all.
So, I got to thinking, maybe I am stressed.
I read up a bit about stress and it says it can cause severe mood swings.

In the article it said to eat healthy snacks.
I generally eat pretty well, especially lately.
Does anyone have any stress busting ideas?
I don't really want to be all high strung for the rest of my life.
However, I don't want to be a dead fish.


You don't need stress busting tips to loose weight. You gain weight in your stomach and hips naturally, from doing natural things like eating too much and exercising, regardless of your stress level. Unless you count eating crappy food as being stressful on the body, which it is. I guess my message wasn't very inspiring, but at least you can relax from the stress of gaining weight because of stress and get back to the regular stress of gaining weight because of food and exercise! Daniel
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