Wednesday, April 04, 2007



Hello blog,

For the past two nights I sat in front of the tv and did homework. Half doing homework and half watching tv. I think I have inherited my mom's habit of watching tv while she does other things, like ironing. I know my aunty Paulette does this too. I don't think I have ever seen my mom just watch tv. She is often doing two things at once.

When I just watch tv I get a little stressed and feel like I am wasting time. Maybe my aunt and my mom feel the same.

Anyway, I am sick of doing homework in front of the TV. I need something to iron.

Today I was at school and saw that there was bar work available. So I have just finished a shift at Salt, a bar in the bay. The staff there is really nice and it felt good to bartend again. I miss funny customers.

My teacher says that one of the first rules when you are on assignment in a foreign country is to get out of the office and meet people. That is the only way you will have something to report.

I think it is one of my main rules in life. The most amazing things happen when you leave your comfort zone and meet new people. The only way to grow is by leaving your comfort zone. It feels a tad uncomfortable at first but it pays off hugely.

For example, tonight I did not really feel like bartending. BUT, I was sick of being on my couch in the evening and sick of my money in my account draining away rather then growing, so, I took this job. The first day at a new job is always crappy.

However, because I left the comfort zone of my living room and put myself in a crappy first day at a new job position I met a girl who bartends part-time but also works for one of the major television stations here. She gave me some e-mail addresses and I may be able to get some work experience.

Who knows what will come of it. It doesn’t really matter. It’s just important that I met some fresh faces and stepped out of routine.

When I was working at the cactus full time it became a comfort zone. Outside the comfort zone seems more dangerous but I think the comfort zone is incredibly dangerous. Years could disappear without anyone noticing.

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