Tuesday, March 13, 2007



Only a few days have gone by this week but it already seems like a very long time has passed.

My mom called me Sunday night with the news that my aunty Lucia passed away. I am quite sad I will not see her again in this life.

She had not been well for a while and was never really diagnosed with anything concrete. We are still not sure why she died. At least she died at home. From what I gather she didn’t like doctors.

Despite not being well she had more energy in her than most of us combined. She was a feisty Brazilian woman. I really loved her from the start.

When I met her over 10 years ago I remember playing volleyball with her in the backyard at the family farm. My cousins and I looked at her a bit quizzically at first as she played with more gusto then any of us.

At my high school graduation no one in the crowd cheered louder then her when I walked down the aisle. She was always really encouraging and was proud of all of my cousins and I.

I am so happy my oncle Guy married her and she became my aunt. Her spark and exclamations will be missing from our family gatherings.

If things are tough I’ll just think of her and say to myself: “Oh my Godee!”

It has been nice to connect with a few of my cousins the last few days on Facebook. Sometimes things like this bring you closer together. It’s good to have family to laugh with and get through the hard times.

I am happy my family came together so quickly when they heard the news. The family from St. Louis drove down immediately and everyone hung out at Guy’s house all day. It seems that everyone is coming together to help out.

Lucia’s daughters have a lot on their mind I am sure. Gislaine just had a baby three weeks ago and Helen is due in a few months. Lucia’s mom also just died a few weeks back. There are now 11 of her brothers and sisters still alive from the original 13 and some are flying back this week for the funeral. It has been a really hard time for all of them.

Lots of love to oncle Guy and all the family.

This is a beautiful tribute to your auntie, my girl.
Thank you,
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