Monday, February 26, 2007


Hanging on till I catch on

It was a great weekend. Luke and I just hung out most of the time but it was really fun. Friday night we went out to a comedy club for my flatmate Abi's birthday and we had a great time. Being a comedian would be a tough profession though. One got quite upset with a table of women for talking and it put a bit of a damper on things. I think you have to be able to keep your cool.

Last night we went out for supper with Des. The waiter is quite funny at the chinese around the corner and very, very slow. But you feel as though he puts a lot of care in everything he does.

School today was really good. I love how critical my profs are because I really feel as though they care about how we turn out as journalists. Sometimes it's tough to take the criticism, even though I know it will only make me better at my job. When things go well and they tell you it's good, like today, it feels fantastic.

I called Luke and he is staying in a hotel in Swansea. It sounds like an interesting site and he knows one guy on it from his old job at Heathrow, Small world. He sounded really tired on the phone so I am sure he will sleep better tonight. He said they may find different, 7 day a week accomodation in Swansea but he is not sure.

Gorgeous picture!
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