Tuesday, January 23, 2007


Thank the Lord for lotsa hair

Mom had the day off today so we went to dim sum and shopping for my b-day present. I wanted a curling iron and a travel mug an we found both at London drugs. I was really excited to try out my new hair tool when I got home. It got hot really fast, which is a good thing for a curling iron. I curled a bit and it wasn't curling very well so I thought I would leave it in a little longer. Suddenly what I thought was a little vapour turned to smoke and my lovely curl came right off. Luckily, it is in a place that can be well hidden. Luckily, my whole head of hair didn't catch on fire.

It must be disturbing losing all your hair quite quickly. I was a little disturbed by one little section. I can't imagine having to go through chemo. I suppose there is always something shocking about something drastic happening to your body quite quickly. Humans need time to digest change and even sometimes that isn't enough. Like people suddenly trying to fight their age even though it was constantly happening. Maybe they hadn't noticed. A lot of people say: "one day I just looked in the mirror and I was old." The moment of realization is all those slow gradual years hitting you all at once.

I noticed at christmas that a lot of my friends have wrinkles around their eyes now. They never used to. Maybe we've all had a few experiences that made us deserve them.

An wrinkle- inducing experience like, possibly, burning your hair off?

Maybe people get wrinkles from burning their hair off!! Just a thought. Ken
Nicole, c'est trop drôle!! Cette photo vient de faire ma journée!J'aime bien ton blog, continue!
As a baldy I can say that having no hair is more of a blessing than a curse .... few bad hair days, no bed head, helmet head or similar,and great savings on hair related services and products. Just a can of Pledge, buff her up and let it shine!
I think the theme as the we are all getting old. I don't really feel old, but I guess first year students think I'm old so I probably am, since they hold all the knowledge in the world!!?? and I may have a wrinkle or 2 more than I did in first year.
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