Friday, January 05, 2007


Sticky rice!

Today mom took me out for dim sum at Yip's. My, am I treated these days!
I went right after a longish walk with my dad, so didn't feel too horrible.

Last night Luke and I went to watch Little Miss Sunshine at Jacqueline's house. It was the second time I saw it. I love the dancing scene at the end. It seems like every good movie has a good dancing or singing scene....or the ones I like anyway. When we went to Luke's house after they were watching Mountain Patrol. I got that it was about Tibetan antelope poachers and people trying to save them (just caught the end). I couldn't get the image of one of the characters sinking into quicksand out of my head. I looked up some stuff about quick sand and I guess it's not as dangerous as movies make it out to be but can still be quite scary. Most quick sand isn't more then a few feet deep. I sure wouldn't want to get stuck in it, anyway.

I sent off one of my assignments today and finally contacted some rat expert in Cardiff about my news story on the issue. I had been having a lot of trouble getting a hold of him!!! Rat people are very busy.

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