Monday, January 29, 2007


24 little hours ago

What a difference a day makes! I had a fantastic day today and a pretty good one yesterday as well. I went to aerobics yesterday at 12 and my favourite instructor was there. She is very motivating and encouraging. I could really notice the change in me. Christmas did take its toll. I often had to do her slower versions of exercises. Oh well, I'll be back up there with strong arms and bouncy feet in no time. She always yells, "strong arms, girls! Strong arms!" Everyone gets fierce expressions on their faces and punch the air like they never have before. I met up with Annie at aerobics. She misses her boyfriend too.

Afterwards I came home and talked to Mariona on msn and she told me that her and some other girls from school were going to see Mrs. Potter, so off I went. It was a nice afternoon. I had tea after with them at a local bar. How civilized! Mrs. Potter is a pretty good movie although it's a bit of a love story and the relationships are undeveloped.

Today I had a great day at school. We did a radio programme in the morning and a TV programme in the afternoon. We all had to take turns doing the different jobs. I really like the behind the scenes stuff as much as I like being on camera or on the air. It gets super stressful sometimes but I love the energy and my prof yelling out, “5 seconds…cue!!, Cue!! Everybody has to be concentratin’!! Look at your run down!!” He is just as stressed as we are and it adds to the excitement.

It is such a great feeling to see someone do something that you never think you’d be able to do and then to sit down and semi-successfully do it and know that you have the ability. Wow. I really like it all. I like running the teleprompter just as much as I like doing the sound. It’s a real power trip and a real team effort. If there is anyone not doing a job right the whole shebang falls apart. I clearly like TV better then radio. Radio is a little boring on the technical side.

When I went to read the news it felt like opening night of a play. I am sure the feelings of my heart pounding and palms sweating goes away but I am sure enjoying the rush at the moment.

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