Saturday, November 25, 2006


Sunshine on my feet

Hey Kids! Print out this post and have some colouring fun!
I am now marketing my blog to children because they are the future and my friends are now reporducing like crazy.
Did you know that lighting one candle can really warm up a whole room? That's why you should always have cabdles in your car travelling in Saskatchewan, just in case. I may have just saved your life.
My house can be a little chilly sometimes so when I am working on the computer upstairs I light a candle.
Chris is here and we are having fun. We went out last niht to various bars and I showed Chris the Cardiff wildlife. St. Mary's street gets blocked off on weekend nights and there are police on horses and cars along it. It follows the UK way of doing things. If in doubt, shut it down.
I had a good week at school too. I got quite a bit of work done and I think I am actually on schedule. Can you believe it???
Yesterday was a really good day. I really think I am making progress. My prof said my filming was good and steady. Yay for tripods! They are a pain in the ass to set up but are the only real way of getting a steady shot. My prof is really against earthquake television. Your subject can move but the camera cannot. it sounds simple but so many students don't use the tripods.
We also had some awesome guest speakers this week including one of the top journalists from Kosovo who talked about his experience covering the war. He was so interesting. He explained that journalism is a mission not just a job. He also said it is impossible in a war to be unbiased. When he was reporting he tried to cover both sides of the conflict and his people called him a traitor and the international media called him biased. When in a situation you have the oppressor and the oppressed if you cover both sides in an unbiased way you are giving the oppressor power. A journalist must see his/her job as a mission to bring attention to situations where people are being oppressed. So it goes, that journalists, in some situations need to be biased.
Anyway, I want to cook some rashers now!!!

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