Sunday, November 12, 2006


Sunday, sunday


Yi-ting or Elaine has sent me some pics. A couple of them are when we went to eat at Annie's house and the other is Elaine and I at the Halloween party in Gregynog.

I had a good day yesterday but today just stayed in and I think I have a little cabin fever. I am very moody and can't concentrate very well. I have accomplished quite a few things today but still don't feel as though it is enough. I just have so much to learn and so many skills to develop...and this type of thinking does nothing for my productivity or learning. I start something and while I am doing it think of all the things I should do so that I am not really concentrating on the task at hand.

Aerobics was nuts today. She made us go really hard. One girl almost fell over. I am starting to see the benefits though. I can sit cross legged comfortably on my office chair and overall I have more energy. Fantastic!

Anyway, time for bed. Maybe i'll be happier tomorrow.

I hope you're happier when you get up. Doesn't it look like we're facing off against Annie et. al. in some sort of friendly competition? I thought that was funny. A great photo!

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